folding@home的主頁已經換上了新設計,比起之前沉悶的設計改善了很多。同時他們也推出了6.0 beta client,不知到跟 v5 有什麼分別 (好像沒有release note)。我最有興趣的就是SMP client,因為現在的cleint只用了CORE2DUO 一半的power。不過第一次安裝就失敗了,還是下一次再試吧!
The new web page is in place and all is looking pretty good so far and able to handle a pretty heavy web load so far. We still haven't had to deal with a slashdot scenario so far on the new site (perhaps the ultimate test), but I expect we'd do ok.
This is a radical redesign, so many of the links have changed. We've put some substitute links for the short term, but please make sure to switch over to the new links ASAP. With the new site, we should be able to keep the site up to date much more easily (and thus the site should stay more up to date), which should be a great help for FAH.